%%                         Computer Product News                        %%

                        » Worktime Workout v1.01 «

Results Engineering, Inc. announces the release of Worktime Workout v1.01,
a Windows-based video program designed to help prevent Repetitive Stress
Injuries through a doctor-approved exercise routine.

Worktime Workout reminds users at an interval they select to take an
exercise break, then shows full-motion videos of models performing
simple stretches.  Worktime Workout also includes on-line Ergonomics
Hints and Body Mechanics Hints to help users reduce repetitive stress
both at work and at home.

Worktime Workout starts when Windows is launched, and exercise reminders
appear automatically.  Users can choose which exercises to include in
the workout, how many repetitions to perform, and how often to do the
workout, from every few minutes to every two hours.  The program includes
twenty exercises for hand, wrist, eye, jaw, neck, shoulder, and back.  A
complete 20-exercise workout takes about five minutes.

The exercise program was developed in conjunction with Dr. Paul M. Puziss,
a Portland, OR orthopedic surgeon, and Dr. Sandra K. Landis, a Beaverton,
OR optometrist.

Worktime Workout requires a 386/SX or faster computer running Dos 5.0
or later and MS-Windows 3.1, plus VGA or better graphics and a mouse.
Only 3 Meg of free disk space is required for program and video files.
No other hardware is required.

For further information, contact

Results Engineering, Inc.                   Telephone: (503) 232-1497
P.O. Box 42395                              Compuserv: 71532,1426
Portland, OR 97242-0395                     Internet:  results@teleport.com

                         » The Scientific Amigan «


   Scientific Amigan


   Scientific Amigan
   POB 60685
   Savannah, GA   31420-0685
   Compuserve 72755,135
   Internet   waltal@well.sf.ca.usa


   Walter Lounsbery, Publisher/Editor


Scientific Amigan is a new publication devoted to addressing the needs
of research, development, and design with the Amiga.  This newsletter
format monthly provides the technical focus that general Amiga
publications lack.  Readers benefit from techniques and software
developed across a wide range of disciplines, instead of occasional
articles that can't get to the desired level of detail.  The
Scientific Amigan disk library provides a wide range of tools and data
for the scientist and engineer; any two disks from the library are
provided with the annual subscription to the newsletter.  Reprint
material is also available as a susbscriber service.

Charter subscribers get a special $10 off of the annual rate,
perpetually applied to their subscription renewals.  However, this
special offer is only extended to subscriptions recieved through the
end of January, 1994.

For more information, please email or write Scientific Amigan at
the above address.  Sample issues will be available soon after the
premier January/February 1994 issue.


Charter Subscription $29 per year (available until Feb. 1994)
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